
This website is the Demo corresponding to 

It illustrates 2 things

  1. An Alternate Layout allowing to display a Custom Field of Type Subform (within an article)... as a Carousel
  2. An override of the Smart Search Result Page (search for example for lorem) where
    1. the Intro Image is added
    2. our Custom Field is also displayed... even using our newly create Alternate Layout

Have fun !

Marc Dechèvre | Woluweb

Lorem ipsum

2022.07.07: new type of Custom Field is introduced by Brian Teeman after a post I made on the Joomla Facebook Group, namely a CF of Type "List of Menu Items". See example with the button below.

Suppose you have a Blog View... but when clicking on one of the post you don't want to open the corresponding article... but another Blog View. With other words, you want "nested Blog Views" (ie a kind of "Matryoshka").

See for all details